About Our Chorus
Capitaland Chorus of Albany, NY, under the direction of Sue Koppenhaver, is a women's barbershop chorus and an award-winning chapter in Region 15 of Sweet Adelines International. We are dedicated to the art of four-part barbershop “a cappella” singing. Our members say they “came to sing harmony but stayed because of the friendships!”
As a chapter of Sweet Adelines Greater NY/NJ Region 15, we compete each spring with other choruses from our region, which extends from Syracuse to New Jersey and Long Island. We've competed "in our own backyard" since 2014, as our Regional Convention and Competition has been held in Albany, New York.
The chorus recently earned medals for 1st place small chorus (30 members and less) and 4th place chorus overall. We are most excited to have received the award for "most improved chorus" compared to the previous year's competition.
Capitaland Chorus was chartered 45 years ago as the Latham Circle Chorus, the only known chorus named after a traffic circle! Our membership has grown from a handful of local women to a larger diverse group of all ages with varying interests, backgrounds, and occupations. Our membership includes several counties in and around the Capital District. We changed our name to Capitaland Chorus in 1991 to reflect our expanding membership.
Education is of prime importance to Capitaland Chorus and Sweet Adelines International(SAI). International and regional-level educators supplement our own chorus musical leaders by providing training in vocal production, choreography, and showmanship/visual communication. Coaching sessions are a normal part of our education, and several are already scheduled for the coming year. Capitaland Chorus holds weekend retreats on a yearly basis for chorus members and our director. The retreats include intensive coaching and rehearsals, after which we enjoy social activities. Retreats allow us to focus on our craft without our daily distractions and to spend some super fun times together with our “sisters in harmony.”
Throughout the year the entire chorus, smaller ensembles, and quartets promote our craft by delivering dynamic musical performances at various community events, including assisting charitable groups/fundraising, such as Albany Wine and Dine for the Arts, in a mutually supportive business relationship. We have a diverse repertoire fitting many occasions, and we're ready to entertain audiences big and small.
Capitaland Chorus competes each year in the SAI Region 15 annual convention and contest, which has been held in Albany since 2014. Usually held in the spring, the three-day event features dozens of choruses and quartets from the region, which extends from Saratoga to Long Island and New Jersey. During the contest, each chorus performs two songs: a ballad and an “up-tune.” Choruses are judged on several criteria and winning choruses are awarded medals. Over the years Capitaland Chorus has earned many medals, several of them on the International level.
We rehearse Tuesdays at Pine Grove United Methodist Church on Central Avenue, Albany, and we welcome singers to visit any rehearsal!
We are a very active and involved chorus in both our community and for our sponsoring organizations, including Wine & Dine for the Arts. Come join the fun!