Into Wishin'
Into Wishin' Left to Right: Laurie, Merideth, Kathie, and Isie. Into Wishin' has developed a fun and entertaining approach to performing both barbershop and other musical favorites. Kathie (Lead), Merideth (Bass), Laurie (Baritone) and Isie (Tenor) are Into Wishin' that they can continue to share their love of singing and look forward to bringing joy to their audiences!
Into Wishin' is proud to honor America by singing our National Anthem at Joe Bruno Stadium to open a Valley Cats Baseball game.
Left to Right: Isie, Kathie, South Paw, Merideth, and Laurie
Kathie has been involved with music for many years, but truly found her musical passion when she discovered SAI and acapella four-part harmony. Having sung the lead part with several quartets (including one top ten Regional Quartet), Kathie has found that there is a great satisfaction and lots of hard work involved in making those chords ring!
Merideth has been singing for most of her life but is relatively new to Barbershop and quarteting but loves every minute of it. She loves singing barbershop 4-part harmony as a bass. Merideth has worked for many years in college student housing. She also loves to bake and spend time with her family.
Laurie has been a member of Sweet Adeline’s for 21 years. She loves singing with these wonderful women. Laurie is a recently retired family nurse practitioner. She now has more time to spend with her husband Mark hiking and kayaking, and performing and enjoying music of all kinds.
Isabel (commonly known as Isie) has been a Sweet Adeline for more than 30 years, singing tenor. She has sung in several quartets, and enjoys performing with Into Wishin’ for all types of audiences. Isie and her barbershopper husband Mike enjoy sharing this Barbershop hobby.